This was my post-race report that I posted on the Running Mania forum with some tweaks.
For those that are happy with the short version... 11:38
For those interested in more details, read on... (mostly [short] form from here on in)
Considering that I was really only physically able (severe allergies to that point with the old job) to start any serious training in March, and then have my last three weeks of training wiped by a chest cold, I really didn't know what I was going to accomplish at Blackfoot.
Aerin and I got up and going about 4:30. Taping my feet took a little longer than I'd hoped, so we got to Islet Lake about 6:15. A visit to the washroom, change into running shoes, throw on the pack and away I go for my out and back 5km to start. The plan was to walk everything uphill and evaluate as I went whether another loop would happen. I paused to stretch at every aid station and regularly along the course when my legs felt like they needed it.
I started out pretty slow, just trying to get warmed up and a feel for where my body was at. I haven't played with the watch or Garmin for proper split times, but I did the first 5km in about 38 minutes with an additional stop to get the tummy settled in.
My first lap went well enough. It was nothing spectacularly fast. I ran with another guy from Calgary until the Central Alleyway aid station. I stuck to the plan, and I got back into the start/finish area for my first transition with a little soreness in about 3:15. I had some eats and headed out again.
The second lap was slower than the first of course. I was getting a little more soreness in the legs, but I kept to the plan and kept moving. I was doing well running the "level" parts and the downhills until Central staging area when I seriously hit the wall. I just plain ran out of gas. I gobbled a bunch of food at the aid station, kept popping my gels and shot blox, but I really didn't recover my energy until the start/finish area transition again. Second lap about 3:50.
At that point it was just time to keep moving, even if it was just walking. Actually it was more like marching in every sense. I fell into what Size5 calls my "military pace". My legs were sore, but I kept them moving at a good clip. Fighting gravity on the downhills was too much work not to run, so I basically ran/sprinted at whatever pace didn't hurt for those short interevals. But in the end it worked. My last lap was over in 4:05.
After it was all said and done, I apparently won my age category. I'm not certain of this since since there was supposedly someone else ahead of me on the finish board, but the RD called my name yesterday at the presentations. Sunday morning I could bend over to pickup a spoon. (Sorry, no pics S5 ) I have a few blisters, and I will apparently lose the nail on the second toe of my left foot as is now becoming tradition post Blackfoot.
All that for an 11:38 finish. Next year...
I won my age category because I was the only 34 & under male running this year. The other person that beat me in was female. Yes, I got beat by a girl...
6 months ago
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