Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Life: The Roof Not Over Our Heads

It's about 10:15PM as I start to write this post, and I really should be in bed. I'm a little wound up at the moment because I had hoped to hear from our future landlords about the state of their house and a possible move date for us.

If I hadn't mentioned it, when the "new" landlords went to inspect their new house there were a lot of problems that needed fixing before they could move. That bumped our move in October, and we've been waiting ever since. With the end of November approaching way too quickly with no indication of when we might get to move, Aerin and I are in limbo hell. Do we wait it out and hope to move before the end of the month? Do we start looking for alternatives (because we really don't want to be here any more)?

So even if I go to bed it will likley end in a lot of tossing and turning. I would try to do something slightly constructive, but my concentration just isn't into it. Here's hoping for some news on Wednesday.

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