So Aerin and I talking seriously about getting a dog - financials, care, training, breed, grooming, feeding, etc. The breed we have zeroed in on is the Black Russian Terrier. This is not a small breed by any measure. They are a cross between Rotteweilers, Giant Schnauzer, Airedales and Newfoundlands. After much reading about Blackies, we've been very impressed with their list of attributes: intelligence, sociable, great strength and endurance, even temperment, protective, and loyal.
We wanted a dog that could do a number of things. One of the first things was a dog that we could take backcountry without worrying her (yes, we want a female puppy) taking off after every little movement. A Blackie is also big and strong enough that we can put a dog pack on her to carry her own food and bed. The sociable aspect is important since we don't want to just leave her in a boarding kennel, so her ability to be around people is a definite plus. Her endurance is also great as a working breed, so I can take her running for exercise too. There's lots of things we want to do in terms of training, so her intelligence is a great plus.
Last Sunday evening we talked to a breeder over the phone, and she was kind enough to hook us up with someone in Calgary with one of her dogs. So on Sunday morning we get to meet a Blackie for the first time since neither of us has seen one in the flesh before.
And just for fun, who doesn't love video of cute puppies?
6 months ago
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