So I woke up after New Year's Eve and discovered the month is almost a two-thirds gone... I don't what it is exactly that causes it, but I find this feeling of blur unsettling.
Aerin has gone off to Montreal to help a friend undergoing surgery. That leaves me and Ursa to hang out. We started doing some serious grooming work before Aerin left on Sunday to take care of some issues with Ursa's coat getting so long. Being somewhat less experienced with dogs I didn't foresee issues with Ursa's visibility jacket causing matting between her front legs. Unfortunately Ursa has been slightly uncooperative with the process of detangling the matted hair, so it's going to take concentrated bit of effort to get things sorted out there. If it was spring and the weather going to stay mostly warm I would be tempted to trim it short, but there's still two months of wintery weather left at a minimum.
We also ordered, or will be ordering, some new kit for Ursa. Our "little" girl is now 28.5"/72cm at the top of her shoulder. This puts her well past the breed standard of 27"/69cm. And she's not done growing yet! Hopefully she does move growing sideways to fill out her shoulders, chest and hips. So a new crate for unsupervised times, and an actual space she can den, that fits her better is on the way. The thing is enormous at almost 6'/1.83m long plus much taller and wider. Hopefully she'll be able to stretch out a lot more since she's a little crowded even laying corner to corner in the current crate.
Ursa's a pretty smart girl, and we really need some toys that will keep her mentally engaged. It's one reason we don't feed her out of the bowl at home anymore. (What we'll do while backcountry has yet to be worked out.) The plan is to get some wooden toys designed by Nina Ottonson for her to play with. This lady has at least one BRT herself, so it's not a stretch to know that Ursa should be just fine with them.
I sound like some proud parent taking about their kids' accomplishments, don't I?
I've committed myself to making a batch of chili while Aerin is away. I was thinking I'd make it tonight, but now I think that will be on the Saturday menu when I have the chance to supervise it a little more closely while it simmers for the morning and afternoon. I only really make mac & cheese these days when I need something quick and easy to fill things in while Aerin isn't around, so last night I did some with zuccini and red pepper. Tonight is bison burgers and not sure what else. I forgot to get a yam while grocery shopping to do some fries.
In between eating, sleeping, cooking, cleaning and Ursa are my attempts to get more miniatures done. I have started to base coat a bunch of minis I had assembled and primed with the new Battlefront base coat colours. It's a heck of a lot easier than using the air brush for time and consistent colour. It's obvious that a bunch of my America vehicles I'd already painted are a little too green and not enough brown, but I'm not going to stress about it. I also have an US armoured rifle platoon good to go pretty much. I will keep pumping out the US guys for now. I will start to touch up the base coat on all my Soviet tanks so I can start the detailing on those. I have a whole bunch of Soviet infantry to do too, but not nearly so much as if I had to paint an infantry company.
Some gaming to do too. I hope to play a little Flames of War before Aerin's return, and I will start a Napoleon's Last Battle campaign game that might take a few weeks to get done. The Flames of War is to playtest some new stuff a friend and I are working on. The Napoleon's Last Battle campaign is a follow-up to the course on Waterloo I did last fall.
Aerin and I will be celebrating our third anniversary the beginning of February. Since it falls on the Thursday we're planning to celebrate on the weekend with a trip out to Banff for dinner at the Bison Bistro. I have yet to decide what to get Aerin for a present, but no doubt I will decide soon.
I'll leave an update on how things are going with running for another time.
6 months ago