It's been a long while since I posted anything here. The weeks have passed, and we are finally going to the airport to pickup Ursa. Something happened -- we're not sure what -- to delay her departure from last week to this week, but she is currently crossing the Atlantic and soon to go "feet dry" over Canadian soil somewhere out east.
So tonight it's off to the cargo company to pickup paperwork. Then it's a trip to the Canada Customs office in the Arrivals Terminal at the airport. And then finally it's back to the cargo company to actually pickup Ursa. We're taking her some food and water for after the flight, and no doubt she'll be ready to stretch her legs for a bit before we load up in the car again to head home.
The remainder of the evening will be spent introducing Ursa to her new home - the backyard, the rooms she'll be allowed to roam, and her crates. It'll be an interesting night to see how she does in the unfamiliar surroundings. Luckily I'm taking the rest of the week off to help Ursa get settled.
We're having our Solstice BBQ (yes, we know we're early) this weekend, so that'll be the first real introduction to a lot of people. It isn't a large affair, so I think Ursa will do just fine with some close supervision of her and the small children.
More later this week. Of course, pictures of Ursa too.
6 months ago