Has my life really been so boring the last eight months since I last made a blog post? It certainly hasn't had the excitement of past years with ultras and all kinds of new stuff. Lots of work stuff, and plenty of time trying to get the shoulder/back problem sorted. So what are some of the oh so grand things to happen in life these past months?
The first round of rehab didn't take so well. Things were doing okay, but it wasn't enough to truly allow me to regain full functionality for long. So after the end of the first round in June it was back to the doctor in August. And then finally back for more rehab in October.
And that's where I am now. I'm certainly not pushing the limit as much with work stuff. The rehab is going well too. There is definite progress. I had a minor spasm a couple weeks back, but I wasn't still working to recover from it two weeks later. I'm truly getting stronger too. Not in the quantity so much, but I can definitely manage to do things for longer than before. Things should continue to improve though.
The hot water tank sprung a leak back in October. Luckily a friend had replaced his tank with an on-demand system, so we got his tank to replace ours. An evening of work got everything in place and we are back to normal again on the plumbing front for a long while hopefully.
I say hopefully because we pulled all the polybutylene pipe in our house in July because it had sprung a leak in the basement. So another friend came to the rescue with help replacing it with polyethylene. That DIY saves us $150/year in insurance costs since the polybutylene had a history of poor installs and parts - mostly in the US though.
I've been getting lots of time on the tabletop with my miniatures with regular club games, running demos and training session at The Sentry Box, and a club run tournament where I managed to win Top General. More minis are making it to the painting table, but that will be a long ongoing process.
I'm taking continuing education for a certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. I'll be halfway done when I finish my current course. Lots more to do still, but is proving to be interesting and enlightening. My perspective on safety has certainly changed over the years. I find it not all that surprising that it's also given a short stick too. Lots to do with seemingly small return on the balance sheet. And yet it can b pretty costly to ignore too.
I'm really enjoying falling more in love with Aerin every day. The landings are not always the smoothest, but I can't imagine not having her in my life. We've had some interesting adventures this year with our jobs and our activities.
This summer we ventured into the backcountry of Kananaskis with Ursa for her first overnight trip. Things went pretty well. Ursa did a great job getting up and down the headwall to Three Isle Lake. Things went relatively well with a smaller tent. There were a couple other dogs there too.
Leadership changes at the university within the department had me contemplating other work and violence. I've never been quite so pissed off in my life I think. The lack of running and such due to the shoulder and resulting loss of sleep didn't help either, but both those problems have diminished along with the return of competent leadership at work.
And then of course there is the simple fact that the year has just flown by again. It's hard to believe sometimes. I think I was joking back in May about it being time to start Xmas shopping, and here we are less than 3 weeks away. Crazy!
6 months ago